You have been dormant for such a long time, you have curtailed your progress, may be because there are difficulties all over and because all seems to be lost but know that it’s time to step up.

It’s time to increase your speed and acceleration. It’s time to gather your loins and step up. Your dreams can’t be shattered neither can it be destroyed if you step up.

Put all your troubles and sorrows away. Focus your mind over the matter and situations surrounding you and your greatness will be there for the grasp.

Situations have coined you just at the Conner where you are and your life seems to be hopeless but you have to believe in yourself that you are the game changer.

You are the redeemer of your generation. If you hate the poverty you are in then don’t let generations after you suffer the same fate. You’ve got to step up for their sake. You’ve got to step up and mount up the pace for them to attain higher echelons.

Your life is not over and it’s not ending if you step up it will only be the beginning to your greatness.

I believe in you.

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